The Journal/Author Name Estimator (JANE) is a free online bibliographic journal selection tool. Interfacing directly with PubMed/MEDLINE, the resource is web-based and allows users to easily input keywords, abstract text, or author names and view related articles based on terms. JANE is recommended for those working in health and biomedical fields.
Perkel JM. Rate that journal. Toolbox. 2015 Apr 2;520(7545):119–20.
Schuemie MJ, Kors JA. Jane: suggesting journals, finding experts. Bioinformatics. 2008 Mar 1;24(5):727–8. DOI:
Schuemie MJ. Journal/Author Name Estimator (JANE): frequently asked questions [Internet]. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Biosemantics Group [cited 12 Oct 2018]. .
Leslie SL. Jane (Journal/Author Name Estimator). Charleston Advisor. 2011;13(2):37–40.